
Read Processing and Reactivity Generation for SHAPE-Seq

Spats processes reads and calculates SHAPE reactivities for SHAPE-Seq experiments on multiple RNAs. It accepts raw paired-end sequencing reads in FASTQ format, and a target sequence file containing the sequences of RNAs present in the experimental pool. Spats then performs read alignment to calculate distributions of read ends in the SHAPE (+) and (-) channel for each nucleotide in each RNA. Spats then estimates nucleotide resolution SHAPE reactivities for each RNA, using a model-driven maximum likelihood procedure based on a model of the reverse transcriptase process used in the SHAPE-Seq experiment. Spats is a collaborative effort between the Aviran Lab at UC Davis, the Pachter Lab at UC Berkeley, the Trapnell Lab at the University of Washington, and the Lucks Lab at Northwestern University.

Spats is provided under the OSI-approved Boost License. fastx_spats_toolkit_v_0.1.0 is provided under the AGPLv3 License.
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Installation (v1.0.1 and earlier)

Spats runs on intel-based computers running Linux or Mac OS X and that have GCC 4.0 or greater installed. Currently spats must be built from the source code, though we recognize the need for an easier installation system.

Several pieces of software are required to run the spats pipeline. The software below should be installed in the order listed. Detailed instructions are given for a local installation on a Unix system (recommended)- i.e. where the software is installed into a specified location rather than the default Unix locations such as /usr/local. If a default installation is required, /usr/local may be specified in place of the custom location, or the --prefix options may be left out.

Path Setup

The creation of a local installation of spats is recommended. Currently we recommend creating the following directory structure:


which should contain:

<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin/ <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin/bin/ <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin/lib/ <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/src/ <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/

Here <path_prefix> is the location of this directory on your system. To ensure that these paths will be used correctly by the installation system, it is helpful to add them to your default shell, for example in bash by including the following lines in your .bash_profile:

export PATH=$PATH:<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin:<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin/lib
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin/bin

Installing FastX_Spats_Toolkit and LibGTextUtils (Required)

fastx_spats_toolkit and libgtextutils are required for adapter trimming. Instructions for installing via sourcecode:
  1. Download the software. fastx_spats_toolkit-0.1.0 can be gotten from the spats website here. libgtextutils-0.6.1.tar.bz2 can be gotten from the Hannon Lab Fastx Site at this link .
  2. Untar the libgtextutil file: tar -xvjf libgtextutils-0.6.tar.bz2
  3. Move the folder created to the build directory: mv libgtextutils-0.6 <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/
  4. Change into the libgtextutils build directory: cd <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/libgtextutils-0.6/
  5. Configure the libgtextutils install: ./configure --prefix=<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin
  6. Run: make and make install.
  7. Now tell package config tool where to look for libgtextutils: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
  8. Untar the FastX file: tar -xvjf fastx_spats_toolkit-0.1.0.tar.bz2
  9. Move the folder created to the build directory: mv fastx_spats_toolkit-0.1.0 <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/
  10. Change into the FastX build directory: cd <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/fastx_spats_toolkit-0.1.0/
  11. Configure the FastX install: ./configure --prefix=<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin
  12. Run: make and make install.

For 64-bit GNU/Linux 2.6.18 (and probably above), there is a binary distribution of the necessary fastx tools which can be installed with these instructions. Note - this will only work on 64-bit GNU Linux Systems with Kernel >= 2.6.18
  1. Download the software. fastx_spats_toolkit-0.1.0_bin_dist can be gotten from the spats website here.
  2. Untar the FastX file: tar -xvzf fastx_spats_toolkit_0.0.1_bin_dist.tar.gz
  3. Move the folder created to the build directory: mv fastx_spats_toolkit_0.0.1_bin_dist <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/
  4. Link the fastx_reverse_complement, fastx_spats_clipper and fastx_trimmer binaries into the <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin directory (Note ending periods are important): cd <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin; ln -s <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/fastx_spats_toolkit_0.0.1_bin_dist/* .

Installing Bowtie (Required)

bowtie is used to align next-generation sequencing reads. Bowtie version 0.12.8 is required. Spats is not currently compatible with Bowtie 2.
  1. Download the software. Version 0.12.8 can be gotten from the bowtie sourceforge site.
  2. Copy the bowtie zip into the <path_prefix>/src/ directory using the cp command.
  3. Unzip the bowtie zip file: unzip
  4. Move the folder created to the build directory: mv bowtie-0.12.8 <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/
  5. Link the bowtie and bowtie-build binaries into the <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin directory (Note ending periods are important): cd <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin; ln -s <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/bowtie-0.12.8/bowtie .; ln -s <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/bowtie-0.12.8/bowtie-build .

Installing Boost (Required)

boost version 1.49.0 is required.
  1. Download the software. Version 1.49.0 can be gotten from here.
  2. Copy the boost tarball into the <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/src/ directory using the cp command.
  3. Untar the boost file: tar xzvf boost_1_49_0.tar.gz
  4. Move the folder created to the build directory: mv boost_1_49_0 <path_prefix>/build/
  5. Change into the boost build directory: cd <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/boost_1_49_0/
  6. Setup the boost build process: ./
  7. Link the bjam into the <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin directory (Note ending periods are important): cd <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin; ln -s <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/boost_1_49_0/bjam .; cd <path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/build/boost_1_49_0
  8. Build Boost.

    If you are on Mac OS X, type (all on one line):

    bjam --prefix=<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin/ --toolset=darwin --architecture=x86 --address_model=32_64 --link=static --runtime-link=static --layout=versioned --stage=install
  9. If you are on a 32-bit Linux system, type (all on one line):

    bjam --prefix=<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin/ --toolset=gcc --architecture=x86 --address_model=32 --link=static --runtime-link=static --stage=install

    If you are on a 64-bit Linux system, type (all on one line):

    bjam --prefix=<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin/ --toolset=gcc --architecture=x86 --address_model=64 --link=static --runtime-link=static --stage=install

Installing Cutadapt (Required)

We currently use cutadapt version 1.5
  1. Download the software. cutadapt v1.5 can be gotten from the cutadapt GitHub website here.
  2. Follow the installation instructions for cutadapt here

Building Spats (Required)

We currently recommend installing spats version 1.0.0.
  1. Download the software. spats-1.0.1 can be gotten from the spats website here.
  2. Untar the spats file: tar -xvzf spats-1.0.1.tar.gz
  3. Move the folder created to the build directory: mv spats-1.0.1 <path_prefix>/build/
  4. Change into the spats build directory: cd <path_prefix>/build/spats-1.0.1/
  5. Configure the spats install: ./configure --prefix=<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin --with-boost=<path_prefix>/SHAPE-Seq/bin. If you encounter errors in this step, make sure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable is set to where the boost libraries are found. See Path Setup above.
  6. Run: make and make install.